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Friday, May 01, 2009


My interview with Simon Pegg in Day and Night in today's Independent

Simon Pegg is sitting purposively on a decorative sofa in a plush suite in Claridges in London busily fiddling with his iPhone. He’s trying to nab extra tickets for some friends to the UK premiere of Star Trek which is being held that evening in Leicester Square.

“This thing is just awesome,” he says, brandishing the apps-tastic device. “I bought mine while shooting Star Trek, and on set we were all comparing it to the communicators in the original series. This looks more science-fiction than anything that was in the show, and that was supposed to be the 23rd century.”

No, Simon Pegg isn’t a spokesman for Apple. Rather he is just, by his own admission, a hair-slicked-down, pen-and-calculator-in-shirt-pocket, pushing- glasses-by-the-bridge-back-up-off-your-nose, thorough-bred geek. “It’s funny to be a nerd’s nerd,” he laughs. “I know how it feels to like and care so much about something that is essentially ephemeral and meaningless. I see it as an honour to be part of that world.”

Continue here.

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