For those of you who don't know, the biggest funfair in Dublin is currently located on Merrion Square - and I'm not talking about the Dáil.
A rather large amusement park has been set up outside the Taoiseach's department as part of the St Patrick's Week (Month?) festival. I live around the corner from it and I can attest to the large numbers that the fair has been attracting.
I think that it would be a good idea to keep the funfair there permanently. The Taoiseach should seriously consider it as he could co-opt all the regalia of the fair for party political purposes.
Think of what all the promotional blurbs could be for the rides and attractions:
"Come and be taken for a ride on the Bertie Taoishocker Rollercoaster!"
"Go and get fleeced by renowned Candy Floss Man Cowen"
"Take a spooky and disturbing journey on the extra-scary Tribunal Ghost Train"
"Visit the PD Hall of Mirrors and behold their many deformed faces!"
"Take a spin on the All-Party Coalition Merry Go-Round!"
"And don't forget: come and play a game of pin the tail on the Cullen donkey!"
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