The books of the decade according to the Times of London...how many have you read?(I've read 11 - how intellectual am I??)
100 The Position by Meg Wolitzer (2005) An hilarious, serious novel about sex and love and family. Paul and Roz Mellow publish Pleasuring (think of The Joy of Sex) in 1975 — it’s a bestseller, but what do you think their four children make of this?
99 The Lost Leader by Mick Imlah (2008)
In his first collection for almost two decades, Mick Imlah takes up the challenge to forge poetry from the folk legends of his Scottish past.
98 Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie(2007)
The Biafran War of the late 1960s is seen through the eyes of Ugwu, a 13-year-old peasant houseboy, and the beautiful, passionate twin sisters Olanna and Kainene. This stunning piece of writing won the 2007 Orange Prize.
97 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz (2007)
Oscar is a sweet, fat nerd, who lives in New Jersey with his Dominican family and dreams of being the next Tolkien and finding true love; a funny, charming and totally original take on the US immigrant experience.
96 The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda's Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright (2006)
Western writers’ responses to the most important international event of the Noughties were hindered by a shortage of insight and authority. But Wright brings both qualities to this powerful and compelling account of the prelude to 9/11.
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3 1/2 me,
no logo
the god delusion
the da vinci code
and war and peace must count as a half, not this particular translation
so you're 3 times more intellectual than me declan,
Woo hoo! Victory is mine!
I should really work through that list, How will I ever show my face at a dinner party ever again? :)
13 i think. which i am well pleased with.
Damned united
My father and other working class heroes
Life of Pi
Da Vinci Code
White Teeth
Plot against America
Harry Potter one
Curious Incident
Never Let me go
Short History of ...
Eat Shoots...
Btw, mine are:
The Position
The Line of Beauty
Imperial Life in the Emerald City
Eats, Shoots and Leaves
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
The Corrections
The Da Vinci Code
Dreams from my Father
The Road
Wahay, it's actually 12.
I've started and abandoned Life of Pi so many times that that should count as another full one
I never spotted 'the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime' (lovely book) on the list, that brings me up to 4 1/2 but still leaves me an utter philistine compared to you guys.
I did see and love the movie of 'The Dammed United', must read that one actually.
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