Have to say I thought Tubridy was absurdly populist and hugely unfair to the Taoiseach. He was trying too hard. I certainly dislike Fianna Fáil as much as the next person but Tubridy looked very unprofessional last night during that interview in a way we wouldn't have seen with Pat Kenny.
I don't agree. The last time Cowen was on the LLS - with Pat Kenny - he got the softest going-over ever. That's hardly professional either.
What's more, last night proved beyond any doubt that Cowen simply cannot communicate - or even engage like - a human being. He kept threatening to slip into his default, automaton answers time and again, which is why Ryan had to keep after him.
I don't think Pat Kenny ever came off as partisan and brazenly biased as Ryan Tubridy was with that interview. He concentrated on trivial, awkward things (like trying to get Cowen to explain over and over again that he shares the responsibility of every other politician in this country for the mess we're in) and was persistent to the point of mere pestering. I know Cowen is an awful communicator but it was discomforting to see Tubridy exploit it so enormously.
It's also very clear that Ryan Tubridy does not have as advanced an understanding of political, social and economic issues as Kenny did. In many ways, his seemingly casual intelligent understanding of practically every 'issue' was Kenny's strongest point and if Tubridy's dire radio show is anything to go by, he will not be up to scratch any time soon.
I did like him doing most of the other interviews (and he certainly feels much less wooden than Kenny when interviewing actors and the like), but I really resent the fact that he has turned it into "Tubridy Tonight II", with the house band and his wandering through the audience making cringe-inducing very much non-funny 'jokes'. I want Pat back :(
I'm 28, from Kilkenny originally and living in Dublin for the past six years.
I graduated with an MA in Journalism from DIT in 2006.
I work as a feature writer for the Irish Independent and the Irish Examiner.
I worked in the Irish Daily Star for 18 months as a news and features subeditor, before going full-time freelance in January 2008.
Over the years I've also reviewed books for The Irish Times, as well wording it up for Gay Community News (GCN), the Sunday Tribune, the Irish Daily Mail, The Event Guide, The Dubliner and The Spanner, as well as UCD Today and UCD Connections magazines.
I'm occasionally known to pop up on The Last Word on Today FM and on various shows on NewsTalk 106-108FM, such as Tom Dunne, Lunchtime with Eamon Keane, The Right Hook, Culture Shock, and Weekend Blend, and have also made censors nervous on Spin, Phantom and RTE 2FM on Dave Fanning's show. I've made some inroads into TV, appearing on The Morning Show with Sybil and Martin, and Midday (pre-Sisterhood takeover), both on TV3. Watch out Tubridy!
You can contact me at declan.cashin@gmail.com
Have to say I thought Tubridy was absurdly populist and hugely unfair to the Taoiseach. He was trying too hard. I certainly dislike Fianna Fáil as much as the next person but Tubridy looked very unprofessional last night during that interview in a way we wouldn't have seen with Pat Kenny.
I don't agree. The last time Cowen was on the LLS - with Pat Kenny - he got the softest going-over ever. That's hardly professional either.
What's more, last night proved beyond any doubt that Cowen simply cannot communicate - or even engage like - a human being. He kept threatening to slip into his default, automaton answers time and again, which is why Ryan had to keep after him.
I don't think Pat Kenny ever came off as partisan and brazenly biased as Ryan Tubridy was with that interview. He concentrated on trivial, awkward things (like trying to get Cowen to explain over and over again that he shares the responsibility of every other politician in this country for the mess we're in) and was persistent to the point of mere pestering. I know Cowen is an awful communicator but it was discomforting to see Tubridy exploit it so enormously.
It's also very clear that Ryan Tubridy does not have as advanced an understanding of political, social and economic issues as Kenny did. In many ways, his seemingly casual intelligent understanding of practically every 'issue' was Kenny's strongest point and if Tubridy's dire radio show is anything to go by, he will not be up to scratch any time soon.
I did like him doing most of the other interviews (and he certainly feels much less wooden than Kenny when interviewing actors and the like), but I really resent the fact that he has turned it into "Tubridy Tonight II", with the house band and his wandering through the audience making cringe-inducing very much non-funny 'jokes'. I want Pat back :(
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